Top reasons why students choose Birkbeck, University of London
A promo for Get Talking, Birkbeck’s initiative which helps graduates pair up with new students to offer them insights and assistance to help them find their feet at the beginning of their education experience.
The Compass Project, is Birkbeck’s award winning program which provides a sanctuary scholarship for up to 20 asylum seekers who are not eligible for student finance. They study a university-level programme at Birkbeck and can go on to access further opportunities at Birkbeck or other educational institutions.
Promo for Birkbeck Talent, Birkbeck’s in-house recruitment agency, giving students work opportunities which compliment their studies as well as help them financially.
Bridges to Birkbeck, is an initiative which offers communities within London the chance to raise aspirations, helping to enable people from all educational backgrounds to undertake university study.